

Face massages

The treatment that helps you relax your face.


1. Cleanse

Start with a clean face. Remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities using a gentle cleanser.

2. Oil or Serum

Apply a facial oil, serum, or moisturizer to provide slip and hydration for the massage. Choose a product suitable for your skin type.


1. Effleurage:

Use your fingertips to gently glide over your forehead, cheeks, and chin in long, sweeping motions.

This technique helps distribute products evenly and relaxes facial muscles.

2. Pinching:

Use your thumb and forefinger to gently pinch along your eyebrows, jawline, and cheeks.

This technique stimulates blood flow and promotes a healthy complexion.

3. Kneading:

With your fingertips, use circular motions to gently knead your forehead, cheeks, and chin.

Kneading helps release tension in the muscles and encourages better absorption of skincare products.

4. Tapping:

Use your fingertips to tap lightly and rhythmically all over your face.

Tapping boosts circulation and wakes up your skin.

5. Lymphatic Drainage:

Gently use your fingers to stroke along your lymph nodes, starting from your neck and moving up towards your ears.

This technique aids in reducing puffiness and promoting detoxification.

6. Acupressure:

Apply gentle pressure to specific acupressure points on your face using your fingertips.

Acupressure can help with relaxation, stimulate energy flow, and alleviate certain facial concerns.


Use gentle, upward motions to counteract the effects of gravity.

Avoid excessive pressure or pulling on your skin, as it can lead to irritation.

Pay attention to any areas of tension and focus on massaging those areas.

You can use tools like facial rollers or gua sha stones to enhance your massage.

Acnehuong Spa & Treatment
7 Mộc Bài 1, Hoà Khánh Nam, Liên Chiểu, Đà Nẵng, Vietnam.090.477.1370 |